CompTIA Trustmark

In today’s competitive world, your reputation is everything. The CompTIA Community believes in helping businesses of all sizes reach their highest potential.

CompTIA Cybersecurity TrustmarkCompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark

The CompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark is foundationally based on the Center for Internet Security’s 18 Critical Security Controls, as well as controls from other globally recognized frameworks, to form industry-accepted best practices. In an effort to help managed service providers (MSPs) establish a starting point for their security journey, the Cybersecurity Trustmark offers a path for CompTIA Community solution provider members who are looking to differentiate themselves by adhering to this industry standard of controls and providing an assurance that they have met or exceeded the standard set forth by their industry peers.

Complete this interest form to get started in the readiness program. You must be a CompTIA Community member to get started. For more information about membership contact [email protected].

Interest Form

Resources for the CompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark Program

Interested in the Cybersecurity Trustmark? CompTIA has compiled free resources to help you better understand the broad expectations of the Cybersecurity Trustmark program. Consume and share these with relevant teammates.

If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

Retired CompTIA Trustmarks

securityplusCompTIA Security Trustmark+

The CompTIA Security Trustmark+ was retired as of December 31, 2021. The Security Trustmark+ evolved into the current CompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark to meet today’s data privacy and protection challenges. The Security Trustmark+ is not currently available for purchase.

managedservicesCompTIA Managed Services Trustmark

CompTIA Managed Services Trustmark applications were retired as of September 30, 2021. Current Trustmark holders may continue to use their badge as long as they are active CompTIA Community members. New badges will no longer be awarded after December 31, 2021.

The CompTIA Managed Services Trustmark was given to companies who provide on-premises IT services. Companies who earned our Managed Services Trustmark proved that they are truly committed to their customers by providing a complete managed services agreement, such as standard operating procedures, best practices, and the right systems and tools for delivering services.

managedprintCompTIA Managed Print Trustmark

CompTIA Managed Print Trustmark applications were retired as of September 30, 2021. Current Trustmark holders may continue to use their badge as long as they are active CompTIA Community members. New badges will no longer be awarded after December 31, 2021.

Current Managed Print Trustmark holders, please refer any inquiries to the MPSA, Managed Print Services Association, here.

CompTIA Trustmark Directory

View and search our directory of companies that have earned a CompTIA Trustmark.