AUGUST 2-3 | Las Vegas | View On-Demand

Keynote Speaker

Mick Ebeling

Mick Ebeling

Radical Collaboration, Innovation and the Fallacy of Impossible

Since the launch of the Eyewriter and Not Impossible Foundation, Mick Ebeling has passionately studied the concept of “Impossible.” All the modern conveniences we see around us were once considered “impossible” by people who didn’t know any better. Synthetic fabrics, cell phones and digital watches (not to mention cars and computers) were all figments of the imagination until inspiration met execution, and the impossible became a reality.

Hear Mick dive deeper into building the “Impossible,” the underlying psychological affects it has on an organization, and how to overcome “Impossible” so true innovation can take place. He’ll share how Not Impossible Labs has collaborated with unlikely characters to tackle seemingly impossible challenges and finding innovative ways to overcome them. Collaboration comes in many forms, some of them unexpected. Mick discusses the tools necessary to become a stellar collaborator, and to recognize the traits of collaboration-worthy individuals for your next big idea.

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